File Prep
Sending a protools session?
I am running the latest version of Protools on a Mac Pro. I have a lot of plugins, but not all. I need you to follow the below instructions so I can hear exactly where you left off.
Commit all vocal tuning and make sure all tuning is correct and approved.
Clear unnecessary tracks. If it's muted or not being used. Delete it before sending the session.
Properly label all tracks (Example: Kick, Snare 1, Snare 2, Bass, 808, Synth 1, Lead Vocal, Harm1, Riser). Do not leave unlabeled tracks. Keep naming simple.
Include an mp3 or wav of your current rough mix from the session version you are sending. It doesn't have to be great, just something for me to listen and vibe to.
Please do a "Save Session Copy In" of your session and under "Items To Copy" select the two "Audio Files" & "Main Playlist Only" and press "OK" Then double check and listen to the session to make sure everything plays back correctly and zip it and send it my way!
prepping stems?
If you have master bus processing on, please bypass when printing the stems unless it is CRUCIAL for the record.
Only send files / audio files that need mixed. Do not send alternate takes or any tracks that are not used in the mix. If you want to give me a choice of effected track or dry track, make me a separate folder with specific instructions.
Properly label all the audio files (Example: Kick, Snare 1, Snare 2, Bass, 808, Synth 1, Lead Vocal, Harm 1, Riser). Do not leave unlabeled tracks. Keep naming simple.
Send tuned vocals. I do not tune any vocals beyond what autotune can do (which is usually enough)
Please do not print reverb and delay on your lead vocal. Send dry with tuning. If you like the reverb you used, please let me know the plugin and patch.
Keep your production decisions.Filter sweeps, side chaining, reverb/FX throws, drops, mutes, creative EQ) Don't take away all of the work and creative choices that you love and have already made.
Remove any plugins that were not important (or if its a Pro Tools session, just freeze plugins).
If your song was in a playlist what song would play before it and after it? Send me those 2 songs as references alongside the most recent Demo/Reference of your final production you and your team have been listening to and approved before mixing. I will use this to capture the vibe and general compass direction of my mix.